Aloha I'm Ken

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About me.  These things are always hard to write.  What would a prospective client want to know about me?  My favorite movie?  What type of music do I listen to?  What is my favorite color?  Why did I move to Maui?  How long have I been a REALTOR?

I think I'll start with the REALTOR question since that's why you are on this site anyway.  My foray into the real estate industry started in 1999 with the John Stapleton School of Real Estate. Those classes in Wailuku were tough.  But John was a brash, vulgar and boastful instructor.  He guaranteed that his students will pass the exam.  Fast forward a couple of months and sure enough I passed the exam to get my license.  Look out Maui here comes your newest agent.  ERA was my first brokerage.  I remember a listing book, carbon copies and a few open houses with not much success.  My first real estate cycle was spent doing open houses and kind of learning the ropes with Unique Maui Real Estate.  My good friend's mom, Pat is the broker.  She is great a keeping in touch with past clients but I still feel like I needed a change.  Why?  I'll tell you later.  Enter Coldwell Banker Island Properties.  There was this guru there named Bob Cella and he had classes, Monday morning meetings and was and still is an open book.  My CBIP career started way back in 2006.  How did time fly by so fast?  Most of my sales are condominiums and homes in South Maui.  I have sold homes and condos in other areas of Maui but South Maui is where I live, work and play.
2006 was a year of change for me.  I had started chatting with a girl in the Philippines in 2004.  We were online for hours everday before work and after work.  She even made me go out and buy a webcam before they were built into laptops.  August 1, 2006 is when she arrived in the United States.  August 3 is when we were married by a judge who married people on his lunch break.  I guess it was great having some positivity in his day as opposed to dealing with negativity all day.  That girl is now my wife, Maricel.  We have been married for 18 years as I write this.  Maricel has been my rock, both personally and professionally.  She is the reason why I moved from Unique Maui Real Estate to Coldwell Banker Island Properties.  When I hand out my card, I now get "Oh I have Coldwell Banker back home...". 

The two pictures are of my cat Mini.  She was given to me on my 40th birthday along with a a kitten that we named Kona.  Mini was a BOGO from the Maui Humane Society and was originally going to be Maricel's cat.  As it turned out, Kona left and I got another kitten, Cookie to replace him because I though Mini would be lonley.  Cookie bolted out the door one day to a neighbor's house.  Mini was now center of attention.  Thank you Mini for waking me up at 5:00 in the morning, following me to the bathroom, greeting me at the door and taking up a good piece of real estate on our bed.  It was a great 9 years of happiness and we will miss you.

The other cat is Saimin.  She became part of the family on April 15, 2020.  Thank you to the Maui Humane Society.
Aloha I'm Ken
Aloha I'm Ken
Aloha I'm Ken
Movies, I'd have to say that the Star Wars saga is one that I can watch over and over.  I wouldn't say I'm a fanatic but how can you not like something that's been with me since I was 7.  Just like most people, my music tastes varies.  I can listen to everything from Beethoven to Johnny Cash.  If there was a favorite genere I guess it would be rock.  Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen and Stevie Ray Vaughn are some of my favorites.  As close second would be reggae.  It's hard not to move with those beats and rythms.  Sports?  In no particular order: San Francisco 49ers, San Francisco Giants and the Golden State Warriors.  Guess where I used to live before Maui.

I've always been more of a quiet type of person.  I'd rather sit back and listen as opposed to being the center of attention. I'm a July baby so I'm a Leo born in the year of the dog.  I have a loyal, passive agressive type of attitude.  Not in a bad way but I'd rather think about things rationally before I act.  Sometime I wish I was more of a Type A personality but that's just not me.  Besides Maricel is a outgoing, always smiling, people magnet.  Opposites do attract.  

Why use me as an agent?  I have the experience, I have the knowledge, I have the support system around me to help you.  It's just a matter of seeing if our personalities match.